101 roses bouquets. Order a large bouquet of roses.

Choose to make an extraordinary impression with a bouquet of 101 fresh roses. Perfect for truly special occasions like Valentine's Day or Dragobete, large flower bouquets symbolize boundless love and daily devotion to the person by your side. Discover the ultimate elegance of the 101 rose bouquets from Magnolia's exclusive collection. Order impressive, passion-filled flower bouquets online with delivery in just 2-4 hours anywhere in Romania.

Choose from our collection, crafted by experienced florists, the perfect 101 rose bouquets to celebrate special moments, convey a deep message of love, or make an unforgettable marriage proposal. Enjoy the natural beauty of roses and turn any day into an unforgettable experience.

Large rose bouquets are typically given to celebrate love, passion, and appreciation. Such a floral arrangement makes an impressive gesture, capable of conveying powerful emotions on Valentine's Day, special anniversaries, or any time you want to give a gift that leaves a lasting impression.

Depending on the color of the roses, the bouquets carry special meanings. For instance, red roses symbolize passionate love, white roses represent pure love, and pink roses express gratitude and admiration. Undoubtedly, large and striking rose bouquets, the floral symbol of love, are an elegant and romantic way to express your feelings for someone special.

They are the perfect gift to show your loved one just how much they mean to you.

Order now and give a truly memorable gift, while Magnolia Florist offers free delivery in over 80 locations.